The origin of Ginseng is Korea (started from 3000 years ago).
The world four largest Ginseng cultivation countries ( Korea, China, Canada, USA ) are located between latitudes 35 to 45.
Bulgaria located as same latitute with Korea and 70% is mountain area as like Korea.
Global Ginseng market is increasing 10% every year.
Europe is the biggest cunsumer of Ginseng.
Ginseng is semi-shade plant.
Ginseng has global R&D data.
Ginseng is 'Resource'
There are two big trends in the world.
1. Mordernization (5G, AI, Battery etc)
2. Naturalism (Health, Longivity etc)
Bulgaria is well-prepared for 'Naturalism'.
About 50% of Canadian Ginseng farmers were cultivated Tobacco 15 years ago.
Canada changed Tobacco farms to Ginseng farms sucessfully.
Bulgaria is one of the largest Tobacco cultivation country.
EU stopped the agicultural subsidy for Tobacco farmers in Bulgaria in 2023.
Lots of Bulgarian Tobacco farmers should change the farms to other crop.
Bulgarian Ginseng (BULPANACHEYA) registered by IASAS in 2023.
It took 3 years.
Bulgarian Tobacco farmers can change the crop to Bulgarian Ginseng with the subsidy.